Are you nervous about dental treatment?
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Are you nervous about dental treatment?

Are you one of the many people who put off visiting the dentist? Maybe you associate the dentist with painful experiences in the past, or perhaps you think that your teeth will look after themselves. Whatever your reasons may be you must overcome them and take your place in the dentists' chair. The dentist plays an important role in maintaining your dental hygiene and preventing gum disease or tooth decay. If you would appreciate help finding the right dentist to care for your teeth and help you feel comfortable while undergoing treatment the articles here will help you do that.

Are You Nervous About Dental Treatment?

Dental Implant Treatment: Three Benefits of Jaw Preservation to Your Dental Health

Felecia Brewer

The primary role of dental implants is to replace missing teeth and restore normal dental function. However, implants also play a key role in preserving the jawbone. Unlike other tooth replacement restorations, implants are surgically inserted directly into the jawbone. They fuse with the bone and stimulate it the same way natural teeth do. This stimulation preserves the jawbone and helps it grow, which can benefit your dental health in the ways outlined below.

Maintains the Structure of the Face

Your jawbone plays a critical role in the shape and structure of your face. The roots of natural teeth stimulate the jawbone and keep it healthy, which helps to maintain the appearance of the face. The absence of natural roots causes the jawbone to shrink and wear out, altering the natural contours and structure of the face.

A dental implant features a screw-like titanium post that's inserted into the jaw where the missing tooth's roots were. When chewing food, pressure is applied to the implant, which stimulates the bone tissue and encourages growth. This prevents jawbone shrinkage and deterioration and helps to maintain facial features.

Prevents the Migration of Adjacent Teeth 

Teeth on the upper and lower jaws complement each other. During chewing, the teeth clash, and the pressure is distributed evenly between the teeth. When you have a missing tooth, the adjacent teeth gradually shift to fill the space. Over time, this movement can cause misalignment, necessitating orthodontic treatment. The absence of a natural tooth causes the jaw to wear out and become misaligned, leading to an overbite or underbite.

Unlike dentures and bridges, dental implants don't just replace the missing tooth. They replace the roots of natural teeth as well. Implants act as artificial roots that preserve the jawbone and prevent it from shifting out of alignment. The implants occupy space in both the jawbone and the mouth, preventing the adjacent natural teeth from migrating and causing alignment issues.

Improves Dental Function

Implants are the only dental restorations that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They are non-removable, unlike dentures that sit on the gum ridges and can be removed and re-inserted. Implants look and feel like natural teeth, allowing you to speak, eat, and smile as you usually do. They are secured in place by the jawbone, which prevents them from slipping and sliding. A strong, healthy jaw also prevents implants from loosening over time, as is often the case with dentures.

Dental implants help to maintain a strong and healthy jawbone, which improves one's overall dental health. Therefore, consider this treatment option over other restorations, such as dentures and bridges. Contact your dentist for further consultation and treatment.
