Are you nervous about dental treatment?
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Are you nervous about dental treatment?

Are you one of the many people who put off visiting the dentist? Maybe you associate the dentist with painful experiences in the past, or perhaps you think that your teeth will look after themselves. Whatever your reasons may be you must overcome them and take your place in the dentists' chair. The dentist plays an important role in maintaining your dental hygiene and preventing gum disease or tooth decay. If you would appreciate help finding the right dentist to care for your teeth and help you feel comfortable while undergoing treatment the articles here will help you do that.

Are You Nervous About Dental Treatment?

What Are the Benefits of Root Planing?

Felecia Brewer

If you're having problems with your gums, then your dentist might suggest that they do a root planing procedure on your teeth. How does this treatment work and what are its benefits?

What Is Root Planing?

Root planing is usually teamed up with a scale. These two treatments give your teeth and gums an advanced clean. However, your dentist doesn't just clean the visible parts of your teeth here; they go under the gum line.

During the procedure, your dentist will gently lift your gum line and clean underneath it. They use special tools to access areas of your teeth closer to their roots that are usually inaccessible. They make rough areas smooth and even. They then clean the teeth to remove any bacteria, plaque or tartar that has grown in these areas.

Typically, you have a local anaesthetic during a planing procedure. Your dentist might split the treatment between a couple of visits. Your gums might be sore for a while afterwards, and you might have to use mouthwash until your gums settle down to avoid problems with infection.

Why Have a Root Planing Treatment?

Root planing is often used on patients who have a higher risk of gum disease or who have started to develop it. If you have gingivitis or periodontal problems, then your gums might be swollen and sore. They might have developed pockets around your teeth that you can't clean. These pockets often hold on to bacteria that further damage your teeth and gums.

If you have a root planing and scale treatment, then your dentist can restore your teeth and gums to a better condition. When they smooth out areas under the gum line, they don't just remove existing bacteria, they make it harder for it to come back later. They also clean out areas that you can't access.

This treatment might be enough in itself to prevent you from getting gum disease. Or, it might stop existing problems from getting worse. Once they heal, your gums will fit more snugly and comfortably around your teeth. You lose the pockets and reduce the chances of developing more bacteria problems in the future.

Root planing has some other useful benefits as well. For example, this treatment can cure persistent bad breath. If you remove inaccessible bacteria, then your breath will smell fresher. You also minimise the chances of getting tooth decay in these areas.

For more information about root planing and how to prepare for it, talk to a dentist.
